Saturday, February 13, 2016

Amy Pond

Special request from my mate Sean...

Amy Pond:

Red hair, plaid top, Scottish accent...

Friday, February 12, 2016

XCOM 2 ... Doctor Who

Hello all!

Some of you may remember me from my previous computer gaming blog: Simmuskhan in STO

Others from my miniatures blog: Simmuskhan's Miniatures Blog

I'm simmuskhan, I haven't had time to do anything much except look after my boy (who has just turned 5 and started school), study (which I just finished at the end of last year) and work (well, still going).

So thanks to school and study completion I actually have some more gaming time now! Huzzah!

I love computer games, and when being a primary carer for my boy while he was a baby, got hooked on turn based games like Civ and XCOM.

Well, XCOM 2 came out, you can read some great reviews about it on my favourite gaming site, Rock Paper Shotgun: Rock Paper Shotgun

My plan was to blog my way through it, but I've wanted to spend all my spare time playing it - I'm enjoying it so much!

So maybe I'll get to blogging my second play-through.

Yesterday I was thinking "who is usually our first line of defence against alien incursion?" Well, the answer is, of course, Doctor Who. 

When your favourite troop steps forward to get a better shot at a sectoid and unwittingly stumbles upon two more pods of aliens... it's not reloading or save-scumming, it's time travel to pop back a moment and change plans!

This is a work in progress, but so far I've had a blast creating various Doctors and a few companions too. If anybody makes a fez, that would be highly useful. Also some more types of hair. Oh, and a scarf. Oooh, and a jelly baby...

I've attempted to "cartoon" them, find something in particular to emphasise given the sometimes frustrating lack of customisation options yet at the same time with a bit of a squint you can almost see the character.

Anyway, here's Who I've done so far... <update, done all the Doctors now except the War Doc>

The First Doctor: William Hartnell

I tried to get the black and white grumpiness...

The Second Doctor: Patrick Troughton

With some plaid and a cigar instead of a recorder, this may be the weakest of the likenesses. 

The Third Doctor: Jon Pertwee

Ahh, the velvet. Bessie (the car) is now Bessie (the whopping huge gun) and now that I look at it, probably should be yellow.

The Fourth Doctor: Tom Baker

Not curly enough hair, no scarf and no jelly babies, but the happy, slightly loopy look I can almost capture.

The Fifth Doctor: Peter Davidson

Obviously they don't have celery in the XCOM 2 props list, but hey, a guy can still have a gun called Celery and a sharpened cricket bat slung across his back!

The Sixth Doctor: Colin Baker

Hard to get a blond curly hair like that, let alone the riotous colours! Still, he stands out in a crowd pretty easily!

The Seventh Doctor: Sylvester McCoy

Another difficult one, I went with the blue jacket and white trim, the hat is the closest marker I guess. I like to think that one day they'll add a "tip of the hat" animation to the game (hear that, modders!?)

The Eighth Doctor: Paul McGann

Although he didn't get much screen time, the Eighth Doctor amused me endlessly while my son was a baby in the form of audio books. He was quite prolific in terms of audio and written material. I like to think that his after-action reports are like small novels that Control has to read through.

The Ninth Doctor: Christopher Eccleston

So very serious... and black...

The Tenth Doctor: David Tennant

So very less serious, with blue and white pinstripes, or camouflage...

The Eleventh Doctor: Matt Smith

As soon as someone mods in a fez, you know what I'll be doing here =)

 The Twelfth Doctor: Peter Capaldi

And who can resist the Scottish accent (UK voice 4 option) with sonic sunglasses? (Spoilers: not me.)

Sarah Jane Smith:

I grew up with the third and fourth doctors mainly, and Sarah Jane Smith was my favourite companion. If you could actually name your gremlins, this one would be K-9.

Rose Tyler:

Thanks to the wolf tattoo, Rose Tyler can be Bad Wolf.

Clara Oswald:
Ahhh, plaid! 

When I've got a few more minutes I'll attempt some more, but I'll have to tear myself away from the game!

If you can't read the biography parts of the pictures, let me know and I'll type them up too.